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Coronary Heart Disease, Symptoms and Its Treatment By Experts

Violation of blood flow in large coronary arteries can lead to damage to the heart muscle., states heart disease. Most often, the cause of its occurrence is coronary artery disease.

The inner walls of the vessels will cover with a fat layer, which hardens over time, and the blood circulates worse through them. In addition to coronary disease can provoke the formation of vascular blood clots, spasms of the coronary arteries.

The heart is a unique human organ, and it takes on an incredible load: it pumps 630 liters of blood in just one hour, 15 120 liters per day.

In the textbooks of anatomy, it is called “a muscular hollow organ, a pump for pumping blood.” and the Bible says about the heart as the source of life, and it is necessary to protect it most of all.

And therefore, it hurts most often – it is the leading cause of mortality worldwide. But If you control at least the main risk factors (smoking, poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle), you can avoid up to 80% of premature deaths.

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Symptoms and signs of coronary heart disease

Symptoms and signs

Poor coronary blood flow can lead to heart failure infarction (an acute form of ischemia) or heart attack (chronic type). With a heart attack, a person suddenly begins to experience short-term pain attacks with increasing intensity, which can last several hours.

Angina pectoris characterize by short-term pain (no more than 10 minutes) in the region of the heart that occurs after any exertion. The disease develops, the more pain becomes. Sometimes it can respond in the left hand, shoulder, neck, teeth.

However, even coronary heart disease can recede from the classic symptoms, and the signs are the following: the patient feels suffocation, heartburn, weakness in his left hand. Pain can even think on the right side of the chest. Occasionally, the disease is painless, and it can be detected only at a late stage.

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Diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease

Diagnosis and treatment

Typically, when diagnosing cardiovascular diseases, specialists prescribe a heart rate monitor, stress and medicinal tests, ultrasound, computed tomography, selective coronary angiography, and other measures. After determining the diagnosis, treatment for coronary heart disease will prescribe, the purpose of which is to provide the heart muscle with enough oxygen.

Methods of surgical non-interference include treatment with nitroglycerin-containing drugs, beta-adrenergic blocking agents, prolonged action nitrates, calcium channel blockers. If the medications do not have a positive effect, surgical treatment will prescribe aortic bypass surgery inside the blood root.

Excellent medical treatment will take care of by experience heart surgeons of the clinic face cardiovascular diseases every day, including coronary heart disease. Entrust your health to professionals!

Principles for the treatment of Coronary Heart Disease

Principles for the treatment of coronary heart disease

Therapy of the disease requires an integrated approach. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate risk factors.  recommendations for the patient:

  • for drug reduction of blood pressure;
  • normalization of sugar and cholesterol in the blood;
  • compliance with the rational regime of work and rest;
  • power correction;
  • providing rational physical activity.

Angiotensin receptor blockers, ACE inhibitors are used to lower blood pressure. To improve heart function, nitrates, cardiac glycosides, and beta-blockers may be recommended. Particular drugs and diet help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Drugs that reduce blood viscosity may also prescribe to the patient.

Treatment of coronary heart disease will carry out throughout a person’s life. For this, he must observe by a heart specialist. Knowledge of the genetic risk factors for coronary heart disease allows you to take measures in advance and prevent the development of the disease.

Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

Among the many factors that increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease, a genetic  predisposition to this disease is especially significant. But anyone can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by avoiding those factors that contribute to the development of the disease.

Proper nutrition should  aim at reducing unhealthy lipids (limiting animal fats, lowering calories, including foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as vegetable oils, nuts, fish) in the diet.

The effectiveness of the cholesterol-lowering diet will evaluate after six months. If the level of cholesterol in the blood remains high, then medications that lower cholesterol will recommend to the patient. Drug treatment should begin when the level of cholesterol in the blood exceeds 6.5 mmol / L.

In the presence of coronary heart disease or several risk factors, drug treatment carries out at a blood cholesterol level of more than 5.7 mmol / L. treatable hardening of the arteries drugs will currently prescribe, devastating group degree of blood cholesterol.

It is essential to quit bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol abuse, overeating, lack of exercise, abuse of strong coffee, and tea.

Smokers, compared with non-smokers, are twice as likely to die from heart attacks. Coronary heart disease is due to the presence in tobacco smoke of substances that increase the level of fat in the blood, forming atherosclerotic plaques.

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People who use fats

Above the average amount (especially of animal origin) increase the risk of atherosclerotic plaque formation. Excess body weight increases the load on the heart, and this reduces the ability of the latter to withstand any decrease in blood supply.

It is necessary to deal with physical inactivity. Regular, intense physical exercise increases the efficiency of the heart while reducing the need for oxygen.

It is suggested not to think or carry away with strong coffee and tea. So that the total consumption of caffeine per day does not exceed 400 mg. A cup of natural coffee contains about 200 mg of caffeine, the same cup of instant coffee – 8-100 mg, the same cup of tea – 50 mg.

Exercising For Coronary Heart Disease

benefits of physical activity

The indisputable benefits of exercising leaves no one with doubt. “Exercise can replace many drugs, but no medicine in the world can replace exercise.”

What are the benefits of physical activity?

  • With regular physical activity, a person is in good physical shape.
  • Increasing the daily workouts helps in  “good” lipids in the blood and therefore helps fight atherosclerosis.
  • It reduces the tendency of blood to thrombosis.
  • It normalize blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke.
  • Exercising daily normalize weight and prevents the development of diabetes.
  • It protects against stress, improves mood, and sleep.
  • It reduces the risk of osteoporosis, and consequently, fractures in the elderly.

Ideally, each person, while maintaining regular physical activity at the proper level, can get rid of several diseases. Hence, the occurrence of health problems forces people to reconsider their lifestyle, to correct the “motor stereotype.”

But for patients with coronary heart disease, not all types of loads are suitable.

Exercise for patients after a heart attack

What type of physical activity is most suitable for patients after a heart attack?

Stamina training is especially important. But for a full-fledged effect, you need to perform some types of physical activity that develop strength and flexibility.

  1. Endurance activity will suggest to the patient like walking, swimming, cycling, dancing, tennis, housework.
  2. Strengthening activity like walking with a climb on incline terrain, carrying purchases, walking upstairs, digging up land. Similarly, housework is suggesting to the patient who is already suffering.
  3. Activity, developing flexibility: swimming, dancing, gymnastics, gardening

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